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03/08/2006: "The Gospel according to PK -- There is a Hell"
Well, there was a thread going on MNID in which PK became involved.... Clicking on MORE will give you one of the installments, this one is about realizing there is a Hell.... It follows a discussion concerning atheists believing that this life is all there is, and there is nothing past death..... one of the participants is a universalist who believes everybody goes to Heaven.... even if they are atheist.....
There IS a Hell if there is a Heaven, because otherwise everybody would choose, nothingness! wow! Anyway....
So, I think I'm beginning to understand atheists. It is definitely easier to say there is nothing beyond death on earth, because it requires nothing more than just living it out. And here I thought it was easier to walk with God. hmmmmm.....
So, now IF man was made in God's image, that is, when He breathed life into man, he received an eternal soul, spirit, senses, then that continues after death, and must be somewhere..... and ummmm.....
Okay, so if God only wants His children with Him, and man becomes God's child by accepting Him as Father, then where are all the others gonna be?
and ummmm..... what else was floating by there? ummmmm..... yes, the story of the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus.... where Jesus indicates that what survives after death is the soul, the mind, and the senses, because the rich man remembered his life on earth and his family, and recognized Lazarus with Abraham, asked that his torment be eased by "just a drop of water on his tongue" and asked that Lazarus be allowed to go back and tell his people about afterlife, only Jesus said if they don't believe the prophets, they won't believe someone who comes back from the dead either....
Yes, I get it now. I see why atheists or other "non-spiritually-inclined" choose finite lifespan, mortality, finality. Yes, I really do. But understanding why that makes sense to people, it still does not negate the truth I have experienced, just helps me understand why it is so difficult to explain it to somebody who doesn't already know, or isn't receptive or seeking.