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09/08/2009: "~ Updated Thoughts on being Half-An-Orphan ~"

"Time changes everything."
"Everything is subject to change."
"Change is a part of life."
"If you don't like the way things are going, wait: it will change."

Other than still missing Mom and the dreams she is in and the wanting to call and share with her the little details only she ever cared about, the rest is getting better.

Facebook (I'm at patrish of course) has become information central where we can keep up with each other without being "in the way" of each other's lives.

We can reach Sis #1 through her DIL that way, and the rest of us are there! PLUS! not only are most of the cousins I know on Facebook, but I have met a lot of them and their kids and seen what they actually look like in pictures. I keep thinking, Mom would have loved Facebook!!!

Sis #3 is opening a restaurant and it is great to be able to follow with her along the way.

Okay, so my communication concerns are met beyond my hopes.

Dad continues to thrive in his new environment (close to VA and plenty of stimulation as well as plenty of quiet time for reflection and study) and he is easy to talk to on the phone. A revisit was more relaxed and I look forward to visiting again. Perhaps it was the active change, settling in, and drastic lifestyle changes that were less than pleasant earlier. Time allows for the acceptance of the new situation.

What remains on the uncertainty list is Avon Park: how will it be without Mom and Dad there? One thing I am grateful for is that their trailer has been pulled out and replaced with a new park model. It almost made me angry to see others living there when they went home last year. It felt like a violation of my privacy and theirs. I DO know that our contributions are appreciated, and I look forward to all of Mom's beads floating around the campground! I know Nina will be a wonderful Bead Teacher, following after Mom's own heart and people will remember Mom through the beads they use to create beautiful jewelry.

Many other boxes of beads went to the Boys & Girls Club for crafts there. Mom will be omnipresent in the community! Every time I see somebody with a handcrafted bead item in the community or at Avon Park Camp I will be able to think of Mom and know there is a strong possibility a part of her life is going on through that person!

Also, there are the pictures. Man! they take a long time to organize and scan! but maybe in a year or so they'll all be in. It kinda takes a mood to sit still long enough to work on them.

AND there is so much more info for the family tree! what with the cousins on Facebook, I've added people I didn't know about, and am spreading outward/downward in addition to direct ancestry. Wow! then trying to get it all in the address book and documented so it isn't lost... thanks to Mac and MobileMe! and import to Yahoo and import to GMail! Whew! should have enough backup once it is done on, too.

So, what am I doing with my time? oh yes, Patrish Computers (repair by appointment) and for the next couple of months temp work for Bro Tom.

and and and. So, all in all things haven't changed as much as it seemed they would.

Love you Mom and Dad. Miss you Mom, and I miss Dad being nearby, too.

September 2009

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