Patty's Ponderings

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09/17/2002 Archived Entry: "Snick is gone"

Went to a funeral yesterday for a friend's daddy, and today took Snickers to the vet and left her. Then had to go kitty shopping.

Flannel. What kind of a name is that for a kitten? But he insisted his name is Flannel. Okay, then, but his nick is kittiekittie.

About three months old with a round tummy. So nice to hold and watch after Snickers aging so in the past year.

Zen plays on an imaginary slide. I'd like to see that. He has also taken to sniffing Mom and Dad and asking them if they went poo-poo. hmmmm...... where did he learn that?

(Hope sonshine isn't reading here..... he'll make me edit that last comment.......)

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