Patty's Ponderings

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01/15/2002 Archived Entry: "Zen again"

Yes, Again! We had another visit............

We got to see them again so soon! Wahoo!! and he remembered me! I like the hugs of a grandbaby, for sure! It'll be a while again, but boy it was nice to have them so much lately!

This win2000 stuff is something and a half! It's been so long since I upgraded from 95 to 98 that I had forgotten all about downloading program patches and new drivers and some incompatible programs. I probably wrote that already, and also about dual booting with win98 on the other partition so I could still network to the win95 puter, but things seem to be lined out pretty well now.

Hubby's foot will get better we guess. DR said xray next week, come see him again in two, so hope things get healing quickly. Brenda said he is entitled to triple prayers since it is three breaks. Good! It makes me feel old watching him limp. I get to thinking how short a time it probably is until that is both of us forever.

Becky and Sara both got married within a month of each other, and in between Mikey got a divorce--didn't even make it a year. Weddings get sad sometimes. Hoping the girls are able to work at their marriages and make them into blessings.

Washed in the blood and all things are new.

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