Patty's Ponderings

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02/05/2002 Archived Entry: "Fast Taxes"

hahahahahahahahaha! My tax return is done and filed. Probably be audited and have to go through it all again, but.............

For now it is done. What if you get audited? he asks. I produce my records, I say. geez. Then we get even more back! Well, anyway, that's something off my mind. Refund from fed to pay state. Tomorrow send in state efile and 4/15 send in what we owe.

Been shopping for replacement puters. Some coming in, but not what my people are calling to get from me. Go figure. Always they want more if I have less, cheaper if I have more. Ya want more? get a Dell. $599 for a 1gig celeron, 15" monitor, 30gig, 128mg. Makes sense to me!

well, plus shipping, handling, taxes, etc. How do they do it so cheap? 90 day warranty. Not a bad deal for them!! I love it!

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