Patty's Ponderings

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07/30/2002 Archived Entry: "on the way"

Well, here it is... Tuesday night and in the morning we head out to see the grandson. And son and d-in-law, of course.......

so, somebody is having a birthday and we get to have the baby while she has a date with the baby's daddy. Okaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!

Visited with big sis last weekend, which was okay, as an understatement. Sand in the underpants, laughing, remembering, and loving, and rediscovering that although you might love and envy somebody, and want to be like them in many ways, that in so many other ways it is wonderful to be yourself.

It is also comforting to be accepted for who you are and who you have been, regardless of the years that have gone between.

If you ever check in here, AK, PK sends you love. God bless and keep you.

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