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08/04/2002 Archived Entry: "zenb"
Well, check this out August pics then click on "more" to hear all about it............
Well, let's see. He has learned so many new words. He counted to ten, is practicing the ABC song, sang along with some tunes, and loves ToyStory, Woody and Buzz Lightyear.
Mommy had a birthday and went shopping without him. Grandma and Grandpa got to play and play and watch Toy Story I and II. We also got to play animals on the computer and take walks up and down the hills and steps.
Such a good boy came downstairs at the end of the visit and gave us hugs goodbye without crying. I think he figured out that if we weren't there, Mommy would be.
p.s. if you want to invite us out to eat, please don't suggest an Indian restaurant. It was "interesting" tasting the food, but not something we are accustomed to yet.